Do you know usb cable color code? | Mouse wire connection

Do you want to learn about usb color code?

Some electronics device like mouse and other some devices used electronics usb cables.Suppose you are repairing your mouse but you are confused about connecting the wire properly.

So sharing this usb color code.

usb color code and color connection
Usb cable color code and uses gnd vcc

Usb red wire  5 V+   .It's sign on circuit may be  V.
Usb white wire Data -  .
Green  Data +  or D+
Gnd Black or blue .  Gnd   G 
Usb wire color code.

Tags :green wire data wires ground wire usb wire color connection computer usb connection universal serial bus usb connector black white data transfer orange blue white and green negative wire usb ports colored wire


Unknown said…
Though we all are using USBs since many many years but we aren't able to discover about the different cable color codes and their characteristics. It's good to see that only a single wire supplies power, two wires transfers the data and there's also a wire of Grounding or Earthing it WOW!

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