
PHILIPS TV - L04A circuit Diagram

PHILIPS TV - L04A circuit Diagram This is a circuit diagram of philips L04A  This circuit diagram is so useful you can download it. For repair it can help you to get repair soon . PHILIPS TV - L04A circuit Diagram

Some common samsung tv circuit diagrams

Sharing some common samsung tv circuit diagram . This all tv circuit diagram is too useful so collect this all tv circuit diagram. And download this diagrams to better view.Most common samsung tv is BN44-00118D, BN44 00165A SAMSUNG LED LCD TV, SAMSUNG KS1A CHASSIS TV ,  SAMSUNG LN 26B350F1 LN 32B350F1 TFT LCD TV Circuit . BN44-00118D  Circuit diagram  BN44-00118D  Circuit diagram This is circuit diagram of BN44-00118D Back Light . SAMSUNG LN 26B350F1 LN 32B350F1 TFT LCD TV Circui Diagram SAMSUNG LN 26B350F1 LN 32B350F1 TFT LCD TV Circui Diagram SAMSUNG KS1A CHASSIS TV CIRCUIT DIAGRAM SAMSUNG KS1A CHASSIS TV CIRCUIT DIAGRAM  BN44 00165A SAMSUNG LED LCD TV CIRCUIT DIAGRAM BN44 00165A SAMSUNG LED LCD TV CIRCUIT DIAGRAM  

Do you know usb cable color code? | Mouse wire connection

Do you want to learn about usb color code? Some electronics device like mouse and other some devices used electronics usb cables. Suppose you are repairing your mouse but you are confused about connecting the wire properly. So sharing this usb color code. Usb cable color code and uses gnd vcc Usb red wire  5 V+   .It's sign on circuit may be  V. Usb white wire Data -  . Green  Data +  or D+ Gnd Black or blue .  Gnd   G  Usb wire color code . Tags : green wire   data wires   ground wire   usb wire color   connection computer   usb connection   universal serial bus   usb connector   black white   data transfer   orange blue white and green   negative wire   usb ports   colored wire

Electric kettle problems and solution

Electric kettle Electric kettle is a electric device which is using to heat water / tea / coffee .On market two types of kettle now . Types of kettle   There are two types of kettle in market now. Immersion Element Type Kettle. Separate Element Type Kettle. Electric kettle problems and solution Electric kettle problems and solution Problems Supply cord connected , Switch on kettle not working. When trying to switch on fuse firing. Kettle body shocking. Kettle heat control not working. Kettle base broken. Heating element fired. Connected point sparking. Supply cord connected , Switch on kettle not working. Cause Fuse fired . Circuit breaker trip . Plug not connected with cable of kettle. Supply cord problem. Switch connection  problem. Heating element terminal problem. Heating element fired.  Solution Change the fuse. On the circuit breaker. Repair plug connection Change the supply contact. Repair con...

Akai tv circuit diagrams

Sharing akai tv circuit diagrams. Some popular model akai tv circuit diagram. Akai is a popular band in television world. Popular model is AkaiCT2570 Circuit diagram    CT2870 Circuit diagram   AKAI  AM-2250  Circuit diagram  AT-2250  circuit diagram.AKAI AA-1115 1125 SM. All of this circuit is SMPS. We help you to learn electronics.In our blog you can get also how to repair any thing. Mini Project of electronics and electrical. Akai tv AM-2250 and AT-2250 AKAI CT2570,AKAI CT2870 CIRCIT DIAGRAM AKAI AA 1115 AND 1125SM Circuit Diagram Please download this image of circuit diagram then watch you will get a clear circuit diagram. Share our blogs with friends.  We will get inspire for this. Thanks for visiting our blog.

Electronics door bell circuit diagram

Sharing electronic door bell circuit diagram.You can make a mini project with this door bell . This electronic door bell is very simple to make.  you can make this electronics musical door bell on home. Electronic door bell circuit diagram                             Electronic door bell circuit diagram Needs to make electronic door bell circuit 3volt battery. Resistance 1  was 1k . Switch  push to on. S1 is on-off switch. Ic1  8021-2  T1 BC548 OR C8050  T2 BC557 OR C8550 LS1 4 OHMS/8 OHMS LOUDSPEAKER. Capacitor 10 micro farad 12 volt. Connect like this diagram and make your project on home. This is really good musical electronic door bell . Caution  Connect the battery with attention . Wrong connection can fired your circuit .  All points connect goodly with soldering iron and sold...

Electic iron repair problem and solution

Types of electric iron There are two types of electric iron  General electric iron. Automatic electric iron. Electric iron picture.  Electric iron Types of automatic electric iron . Automatic electric iron. Automatic electric stream iron. Structure of  a simple electric iron     Electric iron structure Sole plate. Heating element. Pressure plate. Hood assembly. Supply cord.  Problem Cause and Solution to repair your electric iron Problem 1 ***Electric iron not heating .  Causes 1 :   Iron have no connection . Connection fault between terminal point and element.  Fault on plug , may be wire disconnected from plug. Heating element may be broken . Automatic iron's thermostatic switch may be not working.     Solution 1 : Check the supply cord with test lamp . Check the continuity with test lamp , if need you can open the cover and check the heating ele...