Get how much electricity you need monthly

  Get how much electricity you need monthly

Do you know how much electricity you need monthly actually ? 
After Reading this article you can easily get this.

I will  show you which machine taking how much electricity .

  • Light = 15-200W             
  • Fan=50-80 W
  • Telivision = 120-200W
  • Desktop Computer  = 80-250 W
  • Laptop = 20-60 W
  • Refrigerator  = 80-200 W
  • Air Conditioner  =1000- 3000W
  • Electric Iron = 500-1000W
The Rules Of Energy Is

Watt = Voltage   * Am-pier *   Time  (watt-sec).

We need to found  Kwh .

For Single Phase  Power=Volt*Ampier ÷1000 KW
For Three Phase  Power=Volt*Ampire*√3÷1000 KW

So after get power multiply this with time you will get easily KWH.

Example : 

In one house 30WATTS light 5 pieces light running daily 8 hours,65 watts 3 fans running 12 hours,50 Watts 1 telivision running 10 hours and 1/8  horse power water  pumps running 3 hours . Voltage is 220 So how much Kwh will spend one a month ?

 Solution :

For  30 watts light  : W1=30*5*8=1200 wh
For 65 watts fan : W2=65*3*12=2340 wh
For 50 watts television: W3=50*1*10=500 wh

For 1/8 horse power water pump : W4=(1/8)*746*3=279.75 wh
Because 1 Horse Power = 746 watts
Daily Spend = W1+ W2+ W3+ W4

=1200 wh+2340 wh+500 wh+279.75 wh
=4319.75 wh
=(4319.75 ÷ 1000)kwh
=4.32 Kwh   (Daily Spending)
So in 30 days =  4.32*30
=129.6 Kwh 

Thank you for reading my post.Stay connected for more.


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