How to check a electric capacitor | Is your capacitor in good position or dead .

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How to check a electric capacitor | Is your capacitor in good position or dead .


Mainly a capacitor have two legs.Electric capacitor using on fan and  motor.
Some times your fan or motor running on low speed . Then you have to check first the capacitor.
The capacitor is dead or good .
Some capacitors
Some capacitors

testing capacitor
Electric capacitor testing

Then how can you check your capacitor ?

Mainly you need a series tester .First collect series connection.Or you can make a series connection also with a Bulb series with a 2 pin socket. Then supply power on this series board.Now connect capacitor with
2pin socket.And hold it for 10 second then remove capacitor and shot this 2pin of capacitor with wire .
It's will make a spark . If this spark is too noisy then your capacitor is okay . If low spark 
then your capacitor dead .You have to change this capacitor.There are many type of capacitor usually we are using on fan . 2.5uF / 3.5uF .

Thank you for reading my post.

Electronics Basics | Electrical Basics


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