Some tools of electric you must need to work and use of them.

Lesson  of learning some tools of electric 

On this lesson you will learn about some electric tools.
And use of  screw driver,soldering iron,pliers,nose pliers,electric tester.

Electric Tester :

This is a electrical tools which is mainly using to to test present of electricity.
Suppose you are solving a problem of your light.How you will know here current present or not ?
In this case you must need a electric tester to know electricity presented there or not.
There are many tester in electric market now.You can get easily on any market.
To check a electric tester you should connect it with line/phase and its led will on.
If not then electricity is not present there.
Electric Tester

Screw Driver :

Screw driver is a electric tools which is is mainly using to tight a screw .
There are many types of screw driver .But mostly we are using Star type screw driver and Flat type screw driver.You can buy this tools from any electric market.

Star screw driver

Flat screw driver

Ball peen hammer :

Ball peen hammer is a electric tools.Which is using for hitting something . Like plugin of a screw on wall.
There are many types of ball pin hammer. some ball pin hammer is big on size .Some ball peen hammer two small.You can get it on any electric market.
Ball Peen Hammer

Pliers : 

Pliers is also a electric tools.Which is using actually Alternative of hand.Like as a electric wire you can't touch with hand .There you should used this pliers.
There are three types of pliers .  Nose Pliers,Flat Pliers,Cutting Pliers.
Flat and Nose pliers mostly used to joint wire and remove cover.
Cutting pliers actually used to cut anything like as wire and pin .Many size of pliers available on market.
Nose Pliers


Soldering Iron :

Soldering Iron is a electric and electronics tools also.This tools is using to solder any joint.And at any connection.This is making a joint very hard.Simply you need some soldering lid to use soldering iron.
 It's very useful tools  on electric and electronics circuits.
NB : be aware about this tools this tools is getting too heated take it away from children.

Soldering Iron

Electronics Basics | Electrical Basics


Anonymous said…
Excellent article waiting for more article.
This article really helping to know about electrical tools .
Thank you .
md yeamin islam said…
Thanks for reply stay connected to learn electronics help for more.

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