Electricity for kids

Basic learning about electricity for kids .

And know about electricity components with pictures.

Electricity for kids
Electricity for kids

On this lesson we will discuss about electricity components.
Kids should know about this all electricity components.
We will mention the components real electricity name and also picture.
So no problem.

Basic knowledge about electricity components.

2Pin Plug

2Pin Plug
2Pin Plug


It's two pin plug . which is a electricity components. We use it to make a connection between socket and device.It has two pin so name is 2 pin plug.

3Pin plug

3Pin plug

3Pin plug

 It is 3 pin plug . Same uses of this as 2pin plug . but it has 3 legs or pin that's why called 3pin plug.
First  one for phase second one for neutral and third one for earthing.

2Pin socket

2pin socket
2Pin socket
 This is a important electricity/electrical components which is connecting load with electricity sources.
It has 2 pin that's why called 2 pin socket.

3Pin socket

3pin socket
3Pin socket
Same as 2pin socket.But it has 3 pins one for phase one for neutral and next one for earthing.

Piano type switch


Simple switch
Simple switch
 Nothing to tell all know about switch. switch is a electricity components . Which is opening circuit and closing circuit.

2Way switch

2way switch
2Way switch
 Comment us to know more ..
We will publish soon more post about electricity.


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