Why my computer doesn’t support any harddisk when it’s on - Solution is here.

If you are using a computer, you may face this problem, you can solve it easily with several steps. I have tried it many times before, but many people still don't know this . So here is the solution. Hope it will help you out. 

Go to the bios setting on your pc . On many motherboards it starts by pressing the Delete,F1, ESC key. I don’t know what motherboard you are using ? I am using a Gigabyte motherboard .

Computer hard disk doesn't support when pc is on
Why my computer doesn’t support any harddisk when it’s on - Solution is here.
i will press DELETE Button to launch bios setup while start up my pc after performing a restart . Then I will find the sata configuration . Enabled the hot plug option to save it . And your pc will Restart . And now your computer will support the hard disk while it’s on .

Thank you for reading my post .
Please share my post if you get any help from me .


Pal said…
Excellent post.

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